Mystery shopping is a great way to spend some of your free time. It is difficult to make a full time living from mystery shopping but don't let that put you off. The little extra bits that you pick up when mystery shopping come in really useful. There is a small income to be had from mystery shopping but it's the other bits you get that I find supplement my income and improve my lifestyle. Let's take a look at the five ways that mystery shopping can supplement your income.
I use a lot of the mystery shopping I do to pick up gifts. You can get quite lucrative mystery shops at places such as clothing retailers, department stores and fragrance shops. These are great for birthdays or to save up for Christmas. This saves me a lot of money over the course of a year. It also adds to the kids Christmas stockings - and that's never a bad thing!
Meals out
I love the fact that mystery shopping gives me the chance to have a free meal or two a week. There are loads of restaurants and cafes available on the mystery shopping websites so look out for them. You can get lunch when you are out shopping, a meal for two on date night or to take the family out. I pick these up regularly and it allows me and my family to dine out where we might not be able to afford it otherwise.
Days out
You can often find mystery shopping opportunities to have a day out. Theme parks and tourist attractions have mystery shopping programs. You can take the family and have a day out while being paid for the privilege. You can get shops where you get your entrance and meals reimbursed and sometimes even more. These are the ideal way to fund a day out.
Supermarkets have quite extensive mystery shopping programs. So this means you can get extra groceries. This allows me to buy some extra bits that I don't usually buy or to save on my normal weekly shop. You can buy a few treats with someone else's money! The extra bits that I pick up during the year help to keep the grocery bill down. I would say that on average I find at least one supermarket shop per week at an average fee of £10, so you can see how it might help.
Free bets
I like the odd flutter. But I never do it with my own money any more. Mystery shopping companies always have loads of betting shop assignments available. You get the chance to make big money - any winnings you make are yours to keep. You can bet on the horses, the football, the dogs or whatever else takes your fancy. I love it during the football season!
If you are interested in mystery shopping then my book on how to become a mystery shopper is available on the Amazon Kindle Store. It gives you all the information you need to become a mystery shopper. Check it out today!
and the Secret Shopper Companies that hire you also give a good pay right?