5 - Social media
Large companies encourage their customers to contact them via Facebook or Twitter to keep own costs. But social media can be a bit of a Wild West so it is advisable to keep an eye on the interactions. You will be paid a fee to ask a question and judge the response that you get. These are quick mystery shops with a low fee but the reports are usually only a couple of questions long so they supplement your income nicely.
4 - Promotional stands
You know the scene. You are walking through a shopping centre and there is someone there at a stand trying to catch the eye of those passing by. Most people try to avoid making eye contact but what if you were paid to have a chat with them? There are many mystery shops available that are designed to measure the service these promoters are giving. You can be paid to have a 10 minute chat about whatever it is they are selling and then be on your way without making any commitment.
3 - Travel agents
Although you won't get a free holiday at the end of it, there are mystery shopping opportunities available at your local branch of a national travel agency chain. You will usually have to act out a scenario and assess the service you were given. These are fun to do because you get to talk about holiday destinations and act all excited about it! The fees are usually at a high level because you will be in there for quite a while and will have to remember a lot of detail. These are great mystery shops to get your hands on.
2 - Bookmakers
As gambling becomes more and more competitive then the bookmakers want to know how well their customers are being treated. For me the real benefit of this is that you get to keep any winnings. To have a little flutter with someone else's money is the ideal way to have a bet every now and again without the potential of losing money. The reimbursements are always somewhere between £1 and £6 so there is potential to make a bit of money as you go along. There are assignment for over the counter bets and for using the gaming machines so there is enough variety for all.
1 - A day out
There are mystery shopping opportunities to go to a theme park or am historic place to see what the experience is like for a visitor. Because you get to have great fun on a day out for one, two or even the family this is the number one on our list of unusual mystery shops available right now. You get your entry paid, the chance to get something to eat and drink and often other parts of the experience too. So you can enjoy a local attraction with someone else footing the bill. Don't forget to fill out your report when you get home!
If you are interested in these mystery shopping opportunities or any others then the first step is to become a mystery shopper. My book is available now and will help you to understand what it is to become a mystery shopper and all the advantages there are to mystery shopping. Check it out in the Amazon Kindle Store now-