Mystery shopping can be a great way to earn some extra money and hat your hands on free goods. Once you've been accepted by a mystery shopping company then you can start earning. But you need to know where to start.
If you are interested in becoming a mystery shopper then you'll need to know how to go about it. This is my quick guide to becoming a mystery shopper-
Find a mystery shopping company
You will need to do a little research to find a mystery shopping company that's right for you. I've already blogged on my tips for the best UK mystery shopping companies but you will want to make up your own mind. Each company has a slightly different set of customers for you to go out and visit. Start with one mystery shopping company and take it from there.
Fill out the application
All mystery shopping companies want to know about you. They will ask for all the basic details at first but also want to know your experience and your work history. You can't mystery shop somewhere that you work now or have worked before so let the mystery ship company know so they can keep a record. Once you've filled out this information then they can start to assess your application.
Send information and documentation
Most mystery shopping companies will need to see some form of identification from you, although this is now usually done electronically. They will also need to know your bank account or Paypal details so they can pay you when you've completed an assignment for them. Getting all the right info through to the mystery shopping company is going to speed up your application.
The questionnaire
The next step will usually be a questionnaire to assess whether you'd be a good fit as a mystery shopper. They want to know what you would be like and they are looking for certain skills and behaviours. The questionnaire can take one of three forms-
This is as you would expect. They will ask questions and you need to answer yes or no. It is to see how you would respond in a mystery shopping situation.
Sample question - Are you able to be objective when mystery shopping?
Multiple Choice
This is a little different and will give a scenario and three or four options for you to choose. They are testing your response to a given situation. Would you be able to act in the way they require? Your answers will give them an idea of how you would perform.
Sample question - If your food order was brought to your table and was wrong would you-
A - Say nothing
B - Tell them you are a mystery shopper they had better put it right
C - Politely let then know and give them a chance to put it right
Some mystery shopping companies want to hear what you have to say. They will ask a question and then let you type away your response. It gives you more scope to give great answers (but also more scope to give bad ones) in your application. You need to think carefully about your answers here.
Sample question - Tell me what qualities you can bring to us as a mystery shopper.
If you are considering becoming a mystery shopper then I can wholeheartedly recommend it. My book is filled with advice like this on how to become a mystery shopper. Get it now!