Friday, 11 November 2016

Can I survive for a week on mystery shopping alone?

A slight change today in my attempt to feed myself with my main meal for a week from mystery shopping. The rest of the week has seen me get my main meal from a pub or restaurant. Today I had a mystery shop in a supermarket.

There are often supermarket mystery shops available where you can scoot around the shop end pick up your groceries with someone else picking up the tab. You won't get your full weekly shop paid for but there is £10 to £15 on offer so it can go quite a way. I used my earnings today to feed all four of us and to pick up a few extras.

The mystery shop comprised of a few elements. There was a shopping list of items that I had to check stock levels on as well as the general cleanliness of the store. In addition I had to make an enquiry and record what was said. I was then to count the number of checkouts, the number open and whether there were any queues. It was quite an interesting mystery shop because there were different things to assess.

A visit to the supermarket is something that most of us do on a regular basis so if you can get you hands on one then it can help with the grocery bills. Keep your eye out for Market Force, Grass Roots and React Surveys as these are the most likely mystery shopping companies to find then with.

Mystery shopping is a great way to earn a little extra income and get your hands on some free things. With Christmas around the corner mystery shopping can really help you to fill those stockings.

If you are interested in becoming a mystery shopper then my book is a great place to start-

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